
Ghana Resources

Resources and information about Ghana.

We will be adding video clips, documents and information about Ghana, and in particular about the South Tongu district in Volta Region.

Main documents to download

  • A short presentation for Primary Schools
  • Presentation for Reception from our friend Marianne
  • Ideas for lessons for older children.

Short films

Our videos include:

  • A song written in 2009 about the plight of people in Fievie who get their drinking water from a pond which cows use as a toilet.
  • A walk through Fievie, and an interview with the Chief.
  • A walk through Agorta, and interviews with children.
  • Interviews with people from Fievie.

The Interviews with people in Fievie:

  • Assembly Woman : This is the woman who represents the village at the local council. She is talking about the issues facing the area; she talks about water from 8min 30seconds.
  • Ex cowboy : This is a man whose childhood was spent working instead of going to school. But he made sure his own children had an education.
  • Achievements: This lady reflects on her life. She had very few opportunities.
  • Home Help: This lady also reflects on her life.
  • Mayor of the district: He talks about his life and upbringing in Ghana.
  • The Chief of Fievie: part 1: talking about the village, its history and present situation.

Other documents

Photos from our visits in 2018 and 2019

The new water station for collecting water for drinking, cooking and washing.

Photos from our earlier visits

Collecting rainwater from a school roof in a village in South Tongu district: the water is collected in guttering and then flows to the end of the building where it is collected in a large concrete tank and stored for use in the dry season

The Water Song



The Interview